Center for Surveying and Assessment of Agriculture and Natural Resources (CREAN)

The Center for Surveying and Assessment of Agriculture and Natural Resources (CREAN) is an applied research unit of the Agricultural Sciences Faculty (Department) of the Córdoba National University (Argentina).

Members of CREAN include researchers, professionals and technical experts from National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET) and professors and administrative personnel from Córdoba National University.
CREAN works in collaboration with several institutions and international organizations, including Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the National Drought Mitigation Center (Nebraska University, USA; Clark University USA) and the Joint Research Centre (JRC) from the European Community.

At a national level, there are project agreements with the National Commission for Spatial Activities (CONAE), the National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA), the National Secretariat of Natural Resources and Sustainable Development and the National Service of Farming Security (SENASA).

At a the Cordoba Province level, rural fire surveillance activities are developed together with the Volunteer Fire Fighters Corps of Villa General Belgrano and carries out research projects funded by the Science and Technology Secretariat of the Cordoba National University and Córdoba Science and Córdoba Environment Agencies.

CREAN seat
Ing. Agr. Félix  Aldo Marrone 746 – C.C. 509 – C.P. 5000
Ciudad de Córdoba – ARGENTINA
Telephone: +54 351 4334117 (int. 553) Fax: +54 351 4334118